Category Archives: Politics

GHI’s Missing Piece in Nepal: Abortion

LAMAHI, Nepal – United States President Barack Obama set up the Global Health Initiative to take a more comprehensive approach to improving health care in developing nations. In particular, his administration has given great weight to saving the lives of women and to supporting countries’ priorities in health care. But there’s one exception: abortion. In […]

Political Instability Threatens Nepal’s Health Care Program

My blog from GlobalPost’s Global Pulse: KATHMANDU, Nepal — Healthcare providers, advocates and academics have told me during my travels in Nepal these past two weeks that one of the biggest challenges to improving the country’s healthcare system is the nation’s political instability. Nepal is in the process of trying to draft a new constitution […]

Occupation Diplomacy

Check out my latest blog on the Huffington Post’s Off the Bus. One thing is certain about the outcome of this November’s presidential election — whoever wins will have the monumental job of improving America’s standing around the world. He or she (I’m one of the few who won’t pronounce Hillary Clinton’s campaign dead until it’s official) […]